High Speed Rail Seminar in California
January 14, 2011
The Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza
251 South Olive St., LA, CA
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), Japan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Japan
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan
Institution for Transport Policy Studies (ITPS), Japan (now JTTRI)
Japan International Transport Institute (JITI)
Council for Global Promotion of Railway, Japan
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Seminar Overview
In January 2010, President Obama announced an allocation of $8 billion granted as federal funds to help turn the U.S. vision of high speed rail (HSR) into reality. The distributed funds, to which $2.4 billion were added in October, will be used for the development of HSR which has proven to be an effective, energy-efficient way to move large numbers of people quickly over long distances. The goal of this seminar in Los Angeles is to demonstrate how Japan’s 46 years of experience in HSR operation can contribute toward developing HSR network projects in California. In this half day seminar, leaders in the Japanese transportation field will introduce technology and operational experience about HSR. Topics also include a financial scheme for introducing HSR systems to the U.S. as well as economic benefits derived from HSR, such as job creation and regional development.
Panel displays & DVD presentations on Japanese HSR
Opening Remarks
Sumio Mabuchi
Minister, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
(Vice-Minister Masafumi Shukuri, MLIT, representing Minister Mabuchi)
Ichiro Fujisaki
Ambassador of Japan to the United States
Satoshi Seino
Acting Chairman, Council for Global Promotion of Railway and President/ CEO, JR-East
Kenichi Fukaya
Vice-Chairman, ITPS
Keynote Remarks
Norman Y. Mineta
Former Secretary of Transportation and Vice Chairman, Hill & Knowlton
Antonio Villaraigosa
Mayor, Los Angeles
Jim Costa
U.S. Congressman, California 20th District
Laura Richardson
U.S. Congresswoman, California 37th District
Fiona Ma
State Assembly member, Speaker pro tempore, California 12th District
Cathleen Galgiani
State Assembly member, California 17th District
Warren Furutani
State Assembly member, California 55th District
Roelof van Ark
CEO, California High-Speed Rail Authority
Yuki Tanaka
Director, International Affairs Office, JITI
"Regional Developments through HSR Projects"
Satoshi Seino
President and CEO, East Japan Railway Company (JR-East)
"Operator Proposal: Realization of the HSR Project and Maximization of its Economic Impact"
Tsutomu Morimura
Senior Executive Director, Central Japan Railway Company (JR-Central)
"Introduction of Safe and Efficient N700-I bullet System, and Countermeasures against Derailment during Earthquake"
Toshihiko Aoyagi
Director General, Railway Operations HQ, Kyushu Railway Company (JR-Kyushu)
"Efforts to Maximize the Effects of HSR"
Yoshinori Kanehana
Executive Officer/VP, Rolling Stock Company, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
"Railcar Manufacturer Proposals: High Speed Train Technology and Contributions to the US Society"